Thursday, 27 October 2011

Go ON Give an Hour

8.7 million people in the UK have never used the web – they’re missing out on loads of ways to make their lives easier and more enjoyable.
Did you know that 90% of jobs require basic internet skills, that the average household can save up to £560 a year by shopping and paying bills online; and over 25 million people are already using Facebook to chat to friends and family?
If you’ve got a relation, friend or neighbour who is missing out on the internet, they’re missing out on loads of ways to make their life easier and more enjoyable.
On the 30th October the clocks go back and we all have an extra hour. Imagine how exciting it would be if we all used this time to help someone get started online.
Get your guide to what to do in an hour, watch inspirational films as famous faces show how they use the web, and find further local support or places to volunteer by pledging an hour at

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